About KLOF Magazine

…one of the best music publications, hands down.

Free Dirt Records

Founded in 2004 by Alex Gallacher, KLOF Mag (previously known as Folk Radio) is an eclectic music and culture zine featuring recommendations and reviews, interviews & guest features and more. Our writers include journalists, former writers for the music press and those who share our passion for the music we love.

Alongside our articles are hundreds of lovingly created Mixtapes and Playlists.

The music we feature is eclectic and non-mainstream. Alongside new and future releases, we also plough the furrows of time and the unvarnished past. Folk music nestles alongside jazz, psychedelic and alternative sounds, while global music rooted in tradition tangles with the experimental and avant-garde.

Why subscribe?

We rely on adventurous music lovers to keep things alive.

We are well-known for our Mixtapes and Playlists, and by subscribing to our Premium Supporters Newsletter, you receive our exclusive Insider Mixes and Playlists that have been lovingly curated by Editor and Founder, Alex Gallacher.

You will also receive his Music Recommendations and full access to the KLOF Mag Substack Newsletter and Archive. Your support helps us to continue exploring, discovering and sharing new music.

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KLOF Mag - A blissful musical trip off the beaten track, weaving through lesser-known independent and alternative sounds, including modern folk, psychedelic, experimental, ambient & more. Regular human-curated playlists and mixtapes to escape to.


Founder, Editor, Playlist and Mix creator at Folk Radio UK